Docker Engin APIのドキュメント

Docker EnginのAPI

Docker EnginにはAPIが存在します。 必ずしもdockerコマンドから実行する必要はなく、 HTTPプロトコルAPIに欲しいイメージ、コンテナを伝えることができればいいです。

今回はそんなDocker EnginのAPIを翻訳していきます。

Docker EnginのAPIはSwagger形式で書かれているので、それをMarkdownとして起こしました。


  • Swaggerファイルの場所

  • swaggerのymlをMarkdownに変換するサイト

Docker Engine API

Engine APIは、Docker Engine によって提供される HTTP APIです。 Dockerクライアントはエンジンとの連携のためにAPIを使用するため、 Dockerクライアントができることは、すべてAPI を使用して行うことができます。

ほとんどのDockerのクライアントコマンドはAPIのエンドポイントと一対一対応してます。 例えば、 docker psコマンドで得られるDockerのプロセス情報は、GET /containers/jsonで同じ情報を得られます。





  "message": "page not found"


The API is usually changed in each release, so API calls are versioned to ensure that clients don't break. To lock to a specific version of the API, you prefix the URL with its version, for example, call /v1.30/info to use the v1.30 version of the /info endpoint. If the API version specified in the URL is not supported by the daemon, a HTTP 400 Bad Request error message is returned.

If you omit the version-prefix, the current version of the API (v1.42) is used. For example, calling /info is the same as calling /v1.42/info. Using the API without a version-prefix is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Engine releases in the near future should support this version of the API, so your client will continue to work even if it is talking to a newer Engine.

The API uses an open schema model, which means server may add extra properties to responses. Likewise, the server will ignore any extra query parameters and request body properties. When you write clients, you need to ignore additional properties in responses to ensure they do not break when talking to newer daemons.


Authentication for registries is handled client side. The client has to send authentication details to various endpoints that need to communicate with registries, such as POST /images/(name)/push. These are sent as X-Registry-Auth header as a base64url encoded (JSON) string with the following structure:

  "username": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "serveraddress": "string"

The serveraddress is a domain/IP without a protocol. Throughout this structure, double quotes are required.

If you have already got an identity token from the /auth endpoint, you can just pass this instead of credentials:

  "identitytoken": "9cbaf023786cd7..."

Version: 1.42




List containers


Returns a list of containers. For details on the format, see the inspect endpoint.

Note that it uses a different, smaller representation of a container than inspecting a single container. For example, the list of linked containers is not propagated .

Name Located in Description Required Schema
all query Return all containers. By default, only running containers are shown. No boolean
limit query Return this number of most recently created containers, including non-running ones. No integer
size query Return the size of container as fields SizeRw and SizeRootFs. No boolean
filters query Filters to process on the container list, encoded as JSON (a map[string][]string). For example, {"status": ["paused"]} will only return paused containers. Available filters: - ancestor=(<image-name>[:<tag>], <image id>, or <image@digest>) - before=(<container id> or <container name>) - expose=(<port>[/<proto>] <startport-endport>/[<proto>]) - exited=<int> containers with exit code of <int> - health=(starting healthy|unhealthy|none) - id=<ID> a container's ID - isolation=(default|process|hyperv) (Windows daemon only) - is-task=(true|false) - label=key or label="key=value" of a container label - name=<name> a container's name - network=(<network id> or <network name>) - publish=(<port>[/<proto>]|<startport-endport>/[<proto>]) - since=(<container id> or <container name>) - status=(created|restarting|running|removing|paused|exited|dead) - volume=(<volume name> or <mount point destination>) | No | string
Code Description Schema
200 no error [ ContainerSummary ]
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Create a container

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name query Assign the specified name to the container. Must match /?[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+. No string
platform query Platform in the format os[/arch[/variant]] used for image lookup. When specified, the daemon checks if the requested image is present in the local image cache with the given OS and Architecture, and otherwise returns a 404 status. If the option is not set, the host's native OS and Architecture are used to look up the image in the image cache. However, if no platform is passed and the given image does exist in the local image cache, but its OS or architecture does not match, the container is created with the available image, and a warning is added to the Warnings field in the response, for example; WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/arm64/v8) does not match the detected host platform (linux/amd64) and no specific platform was requested No string
body body Container to create Yes ContainerConfig & object
Code Description Schema
201 Container created successfully ContainerCreateResponse
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 no such image ErrorResponse
409 conflict ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Inspect a container


Return low-level information about a container.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
size query Return the size of container as fields SizeRw and SizeRootFs No boolean
Code Description Schema
200 no error object
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




List processes running inside a container


On Unix systems, this is done by running the ps command. This endpoint is not supported on Windows.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
ps_args query The arguments to pass to ps. For example, aux No string
Code Description Schema
200 no error object
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Get container logs


Get stdout and stderr logs from a container.

Note: This endpoint works only for containers with the json-file or journald logging driver.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
follow query Keep connection after returning logs. No boolean
stdout query Return logs from stdout No boolean
stderr query Return logs from stderr No boolean
since query Only return logs since this time, as a UNIX timestamp No integer
until query Only return logs before this time, as a UNIX timestamp No integer
timestamps query Add timestamps to every log line No boolean
tail query Only return this number of log lines from the end of the logs. Specify as an integer or all to output all log lines. No string
Code Description Schema
200 logs returned as a stream in response body. For the stream format, see the documentation for the attach endpoint. Note that unlike the attach endpoint, the logs endpoint does not upgrade the connection and does not set Content-Type. binary
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Get changes on a container’s filesystem


Returns which files in a container's filesystem have been added, deleted, or modified. The Kind of modification can be one of:

  • 0: Modified
  • 1: Added
  • 2: Deleted
Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 The list of changes [ object ]
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Export a container


Export the contents of a container as a tarball.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 no error
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Get container stats based on resource usage


This endpoint returns a live stream of a container’s resource usage statistics.

The precpu_stats is the CPU statistic of the previous read, and is used to calculate the CPU usage percentage. It is not an exact copy of the cpu_stats field.

If either precpu_stats.online_cpus or cpu_stats.online_cpus is nil then for compatibility with older daemons the length of the corresponding cpu_usage.percpu_usage array should be used.

On a cgroup v2 host, the following fields are not set * blkio_stats: all fields other than io_service_bytes_recursive * cpu_stats: cpu_usage.percpu_usage * memory_stats: max_usage and failcnt Also, memory_stats.stats fields are incompatible with cgroup v1.

To calculate the values shown by the stats command of the docker cli tool the following formulas can be used: * used_memory = memory_stats.usage - memory_stats.stats.cache * available_memory = memory_stats.limit * Memory usage % = (used_memory / available_memory) * 100.0 * cpu_delta = cpu_stats.cpu_usage.total_usage - precpu_stats.cpu_usage.total_usage * system_cpu_delta = cpu_stats.system_cpu_usage - precpu_stats.system_cpu_usage * number_cpus = lenght(cpu_stats.cpu_usage.percpu_usage) or cpu_stats.online_cpus * CPU usage % = (cpu_delta / system_cpu_delta) * number_cpus * 100.0

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
stream query Stream the output. If false, the stats will be output once and then it will disconnect. No boolean
one-shot query Only get a single stat instead of waiting for 2 cycles. Must be used with stream=false. No boolean
Code Description Schema
200 no error object
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Resize a container TTY


Resize the TTY for a container.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
h query Height of the TTY session in characters No integer
w query Width of the TTY session in characters No integer
Code Description Schema
200 no error
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 cannot resize container ErrorResponse




Start a container

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
detachKeys query Override the key sequence for detaching a container. Format is a single character [a-Z] or ctrl-<value> where <value> is one of: a-z, @, ^, [, , or _. No string
Code Description Schema
204 no error
304 container already started
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Stop a container

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
signal query Signal to send to the container as an integer or string (e.g. SIGINT). No string
t query Number of seconds to wait before killing the container No integer
Code Description Schema
204 no error
304 container already stopped
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Restart a container

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
signal query Signal to send to the container as an integer or string (e.g. SIGINT). No string
t query Number of seconds to wait before killing the container No integer
Code Description Schema
204 no error
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Kill a container


Send a POSIX signal to a container, defaulting to killing to the container.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
signal query Signal to send to the container as an integer or string (e.g. SIGINT). No string
Code Description Schema
204 no error
404 no such container ErrorResponse
409 container is not running ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Update a container


Change various configuration options of a container without having to recreate it.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
update body Yes Resources & object
Code Description Schema
200 The container has been updated. object
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Rename a container

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
name query New name for the container Yes string
Code Description Schema
204 no error
404 no such container ErrorResponse
409 name already in use ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Pause a container


Use the freezer cgroup to suspend all processes in a container.

Traditionally, when suspending a process the SIGSTOP signal is used, which is observable by the process being suspended. With the freezer cgroup the process is unaware, and unable to capture, that it is being suspended, and subsequently resumed.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
Code Description Schema
204 no error
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Unpause a container


Resume a container which has been paused.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
Code Description Schema
204 no error
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Attach to a container


Attach to a container to read its output or send it input. You can attach to the same container multiple times and you can reattach to containers that have been detached.

Either the stream or logs parameter must be true for this endpoint to do anything.

See the documentation for the docker attach command for more details.


This endpoint hijacks the HTTP connection to transport stdin, stdout, and stderr on the same socket.

This is the response from the daemon for an attach request:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.docker.raw-stream


After the headers and two new lines, the TCP connection can now be used for raw, bidirectional communication between the client and server.

To hint potential proxies about connection hijacking, the Docker client can also optionally send connection upgrade headers.

For example, the client sends this request to upgrade the connection:

POST /containers/16253994b7c4/attach?stream=1&stdout=1 HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: tcp
Connection: Upgrade

The Docker daemon will respond with a 101 UPGRADED response, and will similarly follow with the raw stream:

Content-Type: application/vnd.docker.raw-stream
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: tcp


Stream format

When the TTY setting is disabled in POST /containers/create, the HTTP Content-Type header is set to application/vnd.docker.multiplexed-stream and the stream over the hijacked connected is multiplexed to separate out stdout and stderr. The stream consists of a series of frames, each containing a header and a payload.

The header contains the information which the stream writes (stdout or stderr). It also contains the size of the associated frame encoded in the last four bytes (uint32).

It is encoded on the first eight bytes like this:

header := [8]byte{STREAM_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, SIZE1, SIZE2, SIZE3, SIZE4}


  • 0: stdin (is written on stdout)
  • 1: stdout
  • 2: stderr

SIZE1, SIZE2, SIZE3, SIZE4 are the four bytes of the uint32 size encoded as big endian.

Following the header is the payload, which is the specified number of bytes of STREAM_TYPE.

The simplest way to implement this protocol is the following:

  1. Read 8 bytes.
  2. Choose stdout or stderr depending on the first byte.
  3. Extract the frame size from the last four bytes.
  4. Read the extracted size and output it on the correct output.
  5. Goto 1.

Stream format when using a TTY

When the TTY setting is enabled in POST /containers/create, the stream is not multiplexed. The data exchanged over the hijacked connection is simply the raw data from the process PTY and client's stdin.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
detachKeys query Override the key sequence for detaching a container.Format is a single character [a-Z] or ctrl-<value> where <value> is one of: a-z, @, ^, [, , or _. No string
logs query Replay previous logs from the container. This is useful for attaching to a container that has started and you want to output everything since the container started. If stream is also enabled, once all the previous output has been returned, it will seamlessly transition into streaming current output. No boolean
stream query Stream attached streams from the time the request was made onwards. No boolean
stdin query Attach to stdin No boolean
stdout query Attach to stdout No boolean
stderr query Attach to stderr No boolean
Code Description Schema
101 no error, hints proxy about hijacking
200 no error, no upgrade header found
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Attach to a container via a websocket

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
detachKeys query Override the key sequence for detaching a container.Format is a single character [a-Z] or ctrl-<value> where <value> is one of: a-z, @, ^, [, ,, or _. No string
logs query Return logs No boolean
stream query Return stream No boolean
stdin query Attach to stdin No boolean
stdout query Attach to stdout No boolean
stderr query Attach to stderr No boolean
Code Description Schema
101 no error, hints proxy about hijacking
200 no error, no upgrade header found
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Wait for a container


Block until a container stops, then returns the exit code.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
condition query Wait until a container state reaches the given condition. Defaults to not-running if omitted or empty. No string
Code Description Schema
200 The container has exit. ContainerWaitResponse
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Remove a container

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
v query Remove anonymous volumes associated with the container. No boolean
force query If the container is running, kill it before removing it. No boolean
link query Remove the specified link associated with the container. No boolean
Code Description Schema
204 no error
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 no such container ErrorResponse
409 conflict ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Get an archive of a filesystem resource in a container


Get a tar archive of a resource in the filesystem of container id.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
path query Resource in the container’s filesystem to archive. Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 no error
400 Bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 Container or path does not exist ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse



Extract an archive of files or folders to a directory in a container


Upload a tar archive to be extracted to a path in the filesystem of container id. path parameter is asserted to be a directory. If it exists as a file, 400 error will be returned with message "not a directory".

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the container Yes string
path query Path to a directory in the container to extract the archive’s contents into. Yes string
noOverwriteDirNonDir query If 1, true, or True then it will be an error if unpacking the given content would cause an existing directory to be replaced with a non-directory and vice versa. No string
copyUIDGID query If 1, true, then it will copy UID/GID maps to the dest file or dir No string
inputStream body The input stream must be a tar archive compressed with one of the following algorithms: identity (no compression), gzip, bzip2, or xz. Yes binary
Code Description Schema
200 The content was extracted successfully
400 Bad parameter ErrorResponse
403 Permission denied, the volume or container rootfs is marked as read-only. ErrorResponse
404 No such container or path does not exist inside the container ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Delete stopped containers

Name Located in Description Required Schema
filters query Filters to process on the prune list, encoded as JSON (a map[string][]string). Available filters: - until=<timestamp> Prune containers created before this timestamp. The <timestamp> can be Unix timestamps, date formatted timestamps, or Go duration strings (e.g. 10m, 1h30m) computed relative to the daemon machine’s time. - label (label=<key>, label=<key>=<value>, label!=<key>, or label!=<key>=<value>) Prune containers with (or without, in case label!=... is used) the specified labels. No string
Code Description Schema
200 No error object
500 Server error ErrorResponse




List Images


Returns a list of images on the server. Note that it uses a different, smaller representation of an image than inspecting a single image.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
all query Show all images. Only images from a final layer (no children) are shown by default. No boolean
filters query A JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the images list. Available filters: - before=(<image-name>[:<tag>], <image id> or <image@digest>) - dangling=true - label=key or label="key=value" of an image label - reference=(<image-name>[:<tag>]) - since=(<image-name>[:<tag>], <image id> or <image@digest>) No string
shared-size query Compute and show shared size as a SharedSize field on each image. No boolean
digests query Show digest information as a RepoDigests field on each image. No boolean
Code Description Schema
200 Summary image data for the images matching the query [ ImageSummary ]
500 server error ErrorResponse








ビルドの際には、Dockerfileは通常はアーカイブのルートにある想定で動作しますが、dockerfile パラメータを指定することで、別のパスに配置したり、別の名前を付けたりすることができます。


Dockerデーモンは、ビルドを開始する前に「Dockerfile」の事前検証を実行し、構文が正しくない場合はエラーを返します。 その後、新しいイメージの ID が出力されるまで、Dockerfileに記述された各命令が1行ずつ実行されます。


Name Located in Description Required Schema
inputStream body A tar archive compressed with one of the following algorithms: identity (no compression), gzip, bzip2, xz. No binary
dockerfile query Path within the build context to the Dockerfile. This is ignored if remote is specified and points to an external Dockerfile. No string
t query A name and optional tag to apply to the image in the name:tag format. If you omit the tag the default latest value is assumed. You can provide several t parameters. No string
extrahosts query Extra hosts to add to /etc/hosts No string
remote query A Git repository URI or HTTP/HTTPS context URI. If the URI points to a single text file, the file’s contents are placed into a file called Dockerfile and the image is built from that file. If the URI points to a tarball, the file is downloaded by the daemon and the contents therein used as the context for the build. If the URI points to a tarball and the dockerfile parameter is also specified, there must be a file with the corresponding path inside the tarball. No string
q query Suppress verbose build output. No boolean
nocache query Do not use the cache when building the image. No boolean
cachefrom query JSON array of images used for build cache resolution. No string
pull query Attempt to pull the image even if an older image exists locally. No string
rm query Remove intermediate containers after a successful build. No boolean
forcerm query Always remove intermediate containers, even upon failure. No boolean
memory query Set memory limit for build. No integer
memswap query Total memory (memory + swap). Set as -1 to disable swap. No integer
cpushares query CPU shares (relative weight). No integer
cpusetcpus query CPUs in which to allow execution (e.g., 0-3, 0,1). No string
cpuperiod query The length of a CPU period in microseconds. No integer
cpuquota query Microseconds of CPU time that the container can get in a CPU period. No integer
buildargs query JSON map of string pairs for build-time variables. Users pass these values at build-time. Docker uses the buildargs as the environment context for commands run via the Dockerfile RUN instruction, or for variable expansion in other Dockerfile instructions. This is not meant for passing secret values. For example, the build arg FOO=bar would become {"FOO":"bar"} in JSON. This would result in the query parameter buildargs={"FOO":"bar"}. Note that {"FOO":"bar"} should be URI component encoded. Read more about the buildargs instruction. No string
shmsize query Size of /dev/shm in bytes. The size must be greater than 0. If omitted the system uses 64MB. No integer
squash query Squash the resulting images layers into a single layer. (Experimental release only.) No boolean
labels query Arbitrary key/value labels to set on the image, as a JSON map of string pairs. No string
networkmode query Sets the networking mode for the run commands during build. Supported standard values are: bridge, host, none, and `container:<name id>`. Any other value is taken as a custom network's name or ID to which this container should connect to. No | string
Content-type header No string
X-Registry-Config header This is a base64-encoded JSON object with auth configurations for multiple registries that a build may refer to. The key is a registry URL, and the value is an auth configuration object, as described in the authentication section. For example: { "": { "username": "janedoe", "password": "hunter2" }, "": { "username": "mobydock", "password": "conta1n3rize14" } } Only the registry domain name (and port if not the default 443) are required. However, for legacy reasons, the Docker Hub registry must be specified with both a https:// prefix and a /v1/ suffix even though Docker will prefer to use the v2 registry API. No string
platform query Platform in the format os[/arch[/variant]] No string
target query Target build stage No string
outputs query BuildKit output configuration No string
Code Description Schema
200 no error
400 Bad parameter ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Delete builder cache

Name Located in Description Required Schema
keep-storage query Amount of disk space in bytes to keep for cache No long
all query Remove all types of build cache No boolean
filters query A JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the list of build cache objects. Available filters: - until=<duration>: duration relative to daemon's time, during which build cache was not used, in Go's duration format (e.g., '24h') - id=<id> - parent=<id> - type=<string> - description=<string> - inuse - shared - private No string
Code Description Schema
200 No error object
500 Server error ErrorResponse







Name Located in Description Required Schema
fromImage query プルするイメージの名前。名前には、タグまたはダイジェストを含めることができます。このパラメーターは、イメージをプルする場合にのみ使用できます。 HTTP 接続が閉じている場合、プルはキャンセルされます。 No string
fromSrc query インポートするソース。値は、Imageを取得できる URL か、要求本文から画像を読み取るための「-」です。このパラメーターは、Imageをインポートする場合にのみ使用できます。 No string
repo query Repository name given to an image when it is imported. The repo may include a tag. This parameter may only be used when importing an image. No string
tag query Tag or digest. If empty when pulling an image, this causes all tags for the given image to be pulled. No string
message query Set commit message for imported image. No string
inputImage body Image content if the value - has been specified in fromSrc query parameter No string
X-Registry-Auth header A base64url-encoded auth configuration. Refer to the authentication section for details. No string
changes query Apply Dockerfile instructions to the image that is created, for example: changes=ENV DEBUG=true. Note that ENV DEBUG=true should be URI component encoded. Supported Dockerfile instructions: CMD ENTRYPOINT ENV|EXPOSE|ONBUILD|USER|VOLUME|WORKDIR | No | [ string ]
platform query Platform in the format os[/arch[/variant]]. When used in combination with the fromImage option, the daemon checks if the given image is present in the local image cache with the given OS and Architecture, and otherwise attempts to pull the image. If the option is not set, the host's native OS and Architecture are used. If the given image does not exist in the local image cache, the daemon attempts to pull the image with the host's native OS and Architecture. If the given image does exists in the local image cache, but its OS or architecture does not match, a warning is produced. When used with the fromSrc option to import an image from an archive, this option sets the platform information for the imported image. If the option is not set, the host's native OS and Architecture are used for the imported image. No string
Code Description Schema
200 no error
404 repository does not exist or no read access ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Inspect an image


Return low-level information about an image.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Image name or id Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 No error ImageInspect
404 No such image ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Get the history of an image


Return parent layers of an image.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Image name or ID Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 List of image layers [ object ]
404 No such image ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Push an image


Push an image to a registry.

If you wish to push an image on to a private registry, that image must already have a tag which references the registry. For example,

The push is cancelled if the HTTP connection is closed.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Image name or ID. Yes string
tag query The tag to associate with the image on the registry. No string
X-Registry-Auth header A base64url-encoded auth configuration. Refer to the authentication section for details. Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 No error
404 No such image ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Tag an image


Tag an image so that it becomes part of a repository.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Image name or ID to tag. Yes string
repo query The repository to tag in. For example, someuser/someimage. No string
tag query The name of the new tag. No string
Code Description Schema
201 No error
400 Bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 No such image ErrorResponse
409 Conflict ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Remove an image


Remove an image, along with any untagged parent images that were referenced by that image.

Images can't be removed if they have descendant images, are being used by a running container or are being used by a build.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Image name or ID Yes string
force query Remove the image even if it is being used by stopped containers or has other tags No boolean
noprune query Do not delete untagged parent images No boolean
Code Description Schema
200 The image was deleted successfully [ ImageDeleteResponseItem ]
404 No such image ErrorResponse
409 Conflict ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Search images


Search for an image on Docker Hub.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
term query Term to search Yes string
limit query Maximum number of results to return No integer
filters query A JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the images list. Available filters: - `is-automated=(true false)-is-official=(true false)-stars=` Matches images that has at least 'number' stars. | No | string
Code Description Schema
200 No error [ object ]
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Delete unused images

Name Located in Description Required Schema
filters query Filters to process on the prune list, encoded as JSON (a map[string][]string). Available filters: - dangling=<boolean> When set to true (or 1), prune only unused and untagged images. When set to false (or 0), all unused images are pruned. - until=<string> Prune images created before this timestamp. The <timestamp> can be Unix timestamps, date formatted timestamps, or Go duration strings (e.g. 10m, 1h30m) computed relative to the daemon machine’s time. - label (label=<key>, label=<key>=<value>, label!=<key>, or label!=<key>=<value>) Prune images with (or without, in case label!=... is used) the specified labels. No string
Code Description Schema
200 No error object
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Check auth configuration


Validate credentials for a registry and, if available, get an identity token for accessing the registry without password.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
authConfig body Authentication to check No AuthConfig
Code Description Schema
200 An identity token was generated successfully. object
204 No error
401 Auth error ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Get system information

Code Description Schema
200 No error SystemInfo
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Get version


Returns the version of Docker that is running and various information about the system that Docker is running on.

Code Description Schema
200 no error SystemVersion
500 server error ErrorResponse






This is a dummy endpoint you can use to test if the server is accessible.

Code Description Schema
200 no error string
500 server error ErrorResponse




Create a new image from a container

Name Located in Description Required Schema
containerConfig body The container configuration No ContainerConfig
container query The ID or name of the container to commit No string
repo query Repository name for the created image No string
tag query Tag name for the create image No string
comment query Commit message No string
author query Author of the image (e.g., John Hannibal Smith <>) No string
pause query Whether to pause the container before committing No boolean
changes query Dockerfile instructions to apply while committing No string
Code Description Schema
201 no error IdResponse
404 no such container ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Monitor events


Stream real-time events from the server.

Various objects within Docker report events when something happens to them.

Containers report these events: attach, commit, copy, create, destroy, detach, die, exec_create, exec_detach, exec_start, exec_die, export, health_status, kill, oom, pause, rename, resize, restart, start, stop, top, unpause, update, and prune

Images report these events: delete, import, load, pull, push, save, tag, untag, and prune

Volumes report these events: create, mount, unmount, destroy, and prune

Networks report these events: create, connect, disconnect, destroy, update, remove, and prune

The Docker daemon reports these events: reload

Services report these events: create, update, and remove

Nodes report these events: create, update, and remove

Secrets report these events: create, update, and remove

Configs report these events: create, update, and remove

The Builder reports prune events

Name Located in Description Required Schema
since query Show events created since this timestamp then stream new events. No string
until query Show events created until this timestamp then stop streaming. No string
filters query A JSON encoded value of filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the event list. Available filters: - config=<string> config name or ID - container=<string> container name or ID - daemon=<string> daemon name or ID - event=<string> event type - image=<string> image name or ID - label=<string> image or container label - network=<string> network name or ID - node=<string> node ID - plugin= plugin name or ID - scope= local or swarm - secret=<string> secret name or ID - service=<string> service name or ID - type=<string> object to filter by, one of container, image, volume, network, daemon, plugin, node, service, secret or config - volume=<string> volume name No string
Code Description Schema
200 no error EventMessage
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Get data usage information

Name Located in Description Required Schema
type query Object types, for which to compute and return data. No [ string ]
Code Description Schema
200 no error object
500 server error ErrorResponse




Export an image


Get a tarball containing all images and metadata for a repository.

If name is a specific name and tag (e.g. ubuntu:latest), then only that image (and its parents) are returned. If name is an image ID, similarly only that image (and its parents) are returned, but with the exclusion of the repositories file in the tarball, as there were no image names referenced.

Image tarball format

An image tarball contains one directory per image layer (named using its long ID), each containing these files:

  • VERSION: currently 1.0 - the file format version
  • json: detailed layer information, similar to docker inspect layer_id
  • layer.tar: A tarfile containing the filesystem changes in this layer

The layer.tar file contains aufs style .wh..wh.aufs files and directories for storing attribute changes and deletions.

If the tarball defines a repository, the tarball should also include a repositories file at the root that contains a list of repository and tag names mapped to layer IDs.

  "hello-world": {
    "latest": "565a9d68a73f6706862bfe8409a7f659776d4d60a8d096eb4a3cbce6999cc2a1"
Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Image name or ID Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 no error binary
500 server error ErrorResponse




Export several images


Get a tarball containing all images and metadata for several image repositories.

For each value of the names parameter: if it is a specific name and tag (e.g. ubuntu:latest), then only that image (and its parents) are returned; if it is an image ID, similarly only that image (and its parents) are returned and there would be no names referenced in the 'repositories' file for this image ID.

For details on the format, see the export image endpoint.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
names query Image names to filter by No [ string ]
Code Description Schema
200 no error binary
500 server error ErrorResponse




Import images


Load a set of images and tags into a repository.

For details on the format, see the export image endpoint.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
imagesTarball body Tar archive containing images No binary
quiet query Suppress progress details during load. No boolean
Code Description Schema
200 no error
500 server error ErrorResponse




Create an exec instance


Run a command inside a running container.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
execConfig body Exec configuration Yes object
id path ID or name of container Yes string
Code Description Schema
201 no error IdResponse
404 no such container ErrorResponse
409 container is paused ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Start an exec instance


Starts a previously set up exec instance. If detach is true, this endpoint returns immediately after starting the command. Otherwise, it sets up an interactive session with the command.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
execStartConfig body No object
id path Exec instance ID Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 No error
404 No such exec instance ErrorResponse
409 Container is stopped or paused ErrorResponse




Resize an exec instance


Resize the TTY session used by an exec instance. This endpoint only works if tty was specified as part of creating and starting the exec instance.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path Exec instance ID Yes string
h query Height of the TTY session in characters No integer
w query Width of the TTY session in characters No integer
Code Description Schema
200 No error
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 No such exec instance ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Inspect an exec instance


Return low-level information about an exec instance.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path Exec instance ID Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 No error object
404 No such exec instance ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




List volumes

Name Located in Description Required Schema
filters query JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the volumes list. Available filters: - dangling=<boolean> When set to true (or 1), returns all volumes that are not in use by a container. When set to false (or 0), only volumes that are in use by one or more containers are returned. - driver=<volume-driver-name> Matches volumes based on their driver. - label=<key> or label=<key>:<value> Matches volumes based on the presence of a label alone or a label and a value. - name=<volume-name> Matches all or part of a volume name. No string (json)
Code Description Schema
200 Summary volume data that matches the query VolumeListResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Create a volume

Name Located in Description Required Schema
volumeConfig body Volume configuration Yes VolumeCreateOptions
Code Description Schema
201 The volume was created successfully Volume
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Inspect a volume

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Volume name or ID Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 No error Volume
404 No such volume ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse



"Update a volume. Valid only for Swarm cluster volumes"

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path The name or ID of the volume Yes string
body body The spec of the volume to update. Currently, only Availability may change. All other fields must remain unchanged. No object
version query The version number of the volume being updated. This is required to avoid conflicting writes. Found in the volume's ClusterVolume field. Yes long
Code Description Schema
200 no error
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 no such volume ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse



Remove a volume


Instruct the driver to remove the volume.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Volume name or ID Yes string
force query Force the removal of the volume No boolean
Code Description Schema
204 The volume was removed
404 No such volume or volume driver ErrorResponse
409 Volume is in use and cannot be removed ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Delete unused volumes

Name Located in Description Required Schema
filters query Filters to process on the prune list, encoded as JSON (a map[string][]string). Available filters: - label (label=<key>, label=<key>=<value>, label!=<key>, or label!=<key>=<value>) Prune volumes with (or without, in case label!=... is used) the specified labels. - all (all=true) - Consider all (local) volumes for pruning and not just anonymous volumes. No string
Code Description Schema
200 No error object
500 Server error ErrorResponse




List networks


Returns a list of networks. For details on the format, see the network inspect endpoint.

Note that it uses a different, smaller representation of a network than inspecting a single network. For example, the list of containers attached to the network is not propagated in API versions 1.28 and up.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
filters query JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the networks list. Available filters: - dangling=<boolean> When set to true (or 1), returns all networks that are not in use by a container. When set to false (or 0), only networks that are in use by one or more containers are returned. - driver=<driver-name> Matches a network's driver. - id=<network-id> Matches all or part of a network ID. - label=<key> or label=<key>=<value> of a network label. - name=<network-name> Matches all or part of a network name. - `scope=["swarm" "global" "local"]Filters networks by scope (swarm,global, orlocal). -type=["custom"|"builtin"]Filters networks by type. Thecustom` keyword returns all user-defined networks. | No | string
Code Description Schema
200 No error [ Network ]
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Inspect a network

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path Network ID or name Yes string
verbose query Detailed inspect output for troubleshooting No boolean
scope query Filter the network by scope (swarm, global, or local) No string
Code Description Schema
200 No error Network
404 Network not found ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse



Remove a network

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path Network ID or name Yes string
Code Description Schema
204 No error
403 operation not supported for pre-defined networks ErrorResponse
404 no such network ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Create a network

Name Located in Description Required Schema
networkConfig body Network configuration Yes object
Code Description Schema
201 No error object
403 operation not supported for pre-defined networks ErrorResponse
404 plugin not found ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Connect a container to a network

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path Network ID or name Yes string
container body Yes object
Code Description Schema
200 No error
403 Operation not supported for swarm scoped networks ErrorResponse
404 Network or container not found ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Disconnect a container from a network

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path Network ID or name Yes string
container body Yes object
Code Description Schema
200 No error
403 Operation not supported for swarm scoped networks ErrorResponse
404 Network or container not found ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Delete unused networks

Name Located in Description Required Schema
filters query Filters to process on the prune list, encoded as JSON (a map[string][]string). Available filters: - until=<timestamp> Prune networks created before this timestamp. The <timestamp> can be Unix timestamps, date formatted timestamps, or Go duration strings (e.g. 10m, 1h30m) computed relative to the daemon machine’s time. - label (label=<key>, label=<key>=<value>, label!=<key>, or label!=<key>=<value>) Prune networks with (or without, in case label!=... is used) the specified labels. No string
Code Description Schema
200 No error object
500 Server error ErrorResponse




List plugins


Returns information about installed plugins.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
filters query A JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the plugin list. Available filters: - capability=<capability name> - `enable= ` No | string
Code Description Schema
200 No error [ Plugin ]
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Get plugin privileges

Name Located in Description Required Schema
remote query The name of the plugin. The :latest tag is optional, and is the default if omitted. Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 no error [ PluginPrivilege ]
500 server error ErrorResponse




Install a plugin


Pulls and installs a plugin. After the plugin is installed, it can be enabled using the POST /plugins/{name}/enable endpoint.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
remote query Remote reference for plugin to install. The :latest tag is optional, and is used as the default if omitted. Yes string
name query Local name for the pulled plugin. The :latest tag is optional, and is used as the default if omitted. No string
X-Registry-Auth header A base64url-encoded auth configuration to use when pulling a plugin from a registry. Refer to the authentication section for details. No string
body body No [ PluginPrivilege ]
Code Description Schema
204 no error
500 server error ErrorResponse




Inspect a plugin

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path The name of the plugin. The :latest tag is optional, and is the default if omitted. Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 no error Plugin
404 plugin is not installed ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Remove a plugin

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path The name of the plugin. The :latest tag is optional, and is the default if omitted. Yes string
force query Disable the plugin before removing. This may result in issues if the plugin is in use by a container. No boolean
Code Description Schema
200 no error Plugin
404 plugin is not installed ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Enable a plugin

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path The name of the plugin. The :latest tag is optional, and is the default if omitted. Yes string
timeout query Set the HTTP client timeout (in seconds) No integer
Code Description Schema
200 no error
404 plugin is not installed ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Disable a plugin

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path The name of the plugin. The :latest tag is optional, and is the default if omitted. Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 no error
404 plugin is not installed ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Upgrade a plugin

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path The name of the plugin. The :latest tag is optional, and is the default if omitted. Yes string
remote query Remote reference to upgrade to. The :latest tag is optional, and is used as the default if omitted. Yes string
X-Registry-Auth header A base64url-encoded auth configuration to use when pulling a plugin from a registry. Refer to the authentication section for details. No string
body body No [ PluginPrivilege ]
Code Description Schema
204 no error
404 plugin not installed ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Create a plugin

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name query The name of the plugin. The :latest tag is optional, and is the default if omitted. Yes string
tarContext body Path to tar containing plugin rootfs and manifest No binary
Code Description Schema
204 no error
500 server error ErrorResponse




Push a plugin


Push a plugin to the registry.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path The name of the plugin. The :latest tag is optional, and is the default if omitted. Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 no error
404 plugin not installed ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse




Configure a plugin

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path The name of the plugin. The :latest tag is optional, and is the default if omitted. Yes string
body body No [ string ]
Code Description Schema
204 No error
404 Plugin not installed ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




List nodes

Name Located in Description Required Schema
filters query Filters to process on the nodes list, encoded as JSON (a map[string][]string). Available filters: - id=<node id> - label=<engine label> - membership=(accepted pending)-name=-node.label=-role=(manager` worker)` | No | string
Code Description Schema
200 no error [ Node ]
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Inspect a node

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path The ID or name of the node Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 no error Node
404 no such node ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse



Delete a node

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path The ID or name of the node Yes string
force query Force remove a node from the swarm No boolean
Code Description Schema
200 no error
404 no such node ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Update a node

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path The ID of the node Yes string
body body No NodeSpec
version query The version number of the node object being updated. This is required to avoid conflicting writes. Yes long
Code Description Schema
200 no error
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 no such node ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Inspect swarm

Code Description Schema
200 no error Swarm
404 no such swarm ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Initialize a new swarm

Name Located in Description Required Schema
body body Yes object
Code Description Schema
200 no error string
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is already part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Join an existing swarm

Name Located in Description Required Schema
body body Yes object
Code Description Schema
200 no error
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is already part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Leave a swarm

Name Located in Description Required Schema
force query Force leave swarm, even if this is the last manager or that it will break the cluster. No boolean
Code Description Schema
200 no error
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Update a swarm

Name Located in Description Required Schema
body body Yes SwarmSpec
version query The version number of the swarm object being updated. This is required to avoid conflicting writes. Yes long
rotateWorkerToken query Rotate the worker join token. No boolean
rotateManagerToken query Rotate the manager join token. No boolean
rotateManagerUnlockKey query Rotate the manager unlock key. No boolean
Code Description Schema
200 no error
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Get the unlock key

Code Description Schema
200 no error object
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Unlock a locked manager

Name Located in Description Required Schema
body body Yes object
Code Description Schema
200 no error
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




List services

Name Located in Description Required Schema
filters query A JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the services list. Available filters: - id=<service id> - label=<service label> - `mode=["replicated" "global"]-name=` No | string
status query Include service status, with count of running and desired tasks. No boolean
Code Description Schema
200 no error [ Service ]
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Create a service

Name Located in Description Required Schema
body body Yes ServiceSpec & object
X-Registry-Auth header A base64url-encoded auth configuration for pulling from private registries. Refer to the authentication section for details. No string
Code Description Schema
201 no error object
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
403 network is not eligible for services ErrorResponse
409 name conflicts with an existing service ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Inspect a service

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of service. Yes string
insertDefaults query Fill empty fields with default values. No boolean
Code Description Schema
200 no error Service
404 no such service ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse



Delete a service

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of service. Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 no error
404 no such service ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Update a service

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of service. Yes string
body body Yes ServiceSpec & object
version query The version number of the service object being updated. This is required to avoid conflicting writes. This version number should be the value as currently set on the service before the update. You can find the current version by calling GET /services/{id} Yes integer
registryAuthFrom query If the X-Registry-Auth header is not specified, this parameter indicates where to find registry authorization credentials. No string
rollback query Set to this parameter to previous to cause a server-side rollback to the previous service spec. The supplied spec will be ignored in this case. No string
X-Registry-Auth header A base64url-encoded auth configuration for pulling from private registries. Refer to the authentication section for details. No string
Code Description Schema
200 no error ServiceUpdateResponse
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 no such service ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Get service logs


Get stdout and stderr logs from a service. See also /containers/{id}/logs.

Note: This endpoint works only for services with the local, json-file or journald logging drivers.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID or name of the service Yes string
details query Show service context and extra details provided to logs. No boolean
follow query Keep connection after returning logs. No boolean
stdout query Return logs from stdout No boolean
stderr query Return logs from stderr No boolean
since query Only return logs since this time, as a UNIX timestamp No integer
timestamps query Add timestamps to every log line No boolean
tail query Only return this number of log lines from the end of the logs. Specify as an integer or all to output all log lines. No string
Code Description Schema
200 logs returned as a stream in response body binary
404 no such service ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




List tasks

Name Located in Description Required Schema
filters query A JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the tasks list. Available filters: - `desired-state=(running shutdown accepted)-id=-label=keyorlabel="key=value"-name=-node=-service=` | No | string
Code Description Schema
200 no error [ Task ]
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Inspect a task

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID of the task Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 no error Task
404 no such task ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Get task logs


Get stdout and stderr logs from a task. See also /containers/{id}/logs.

Note: This endpoint works only for services with the local, json-file or journald logging drivers.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID of the task Yes string
details query Show task context and extra details provided to logs. No boolean
follow query Keep connection after returning logs. No boolean
stdout query Return logs from stdout No boolean
stderr query Return logs from stderr No boolean
since query Only return logs since this time, as a UNIX timestamp No integer
timestamps query Add timestamps to every log line No boolean
tail query Only return this number of log lines from the end of the logs. Specify as an integer or all to output all log lines. No string
Code Description Schema
200 logs returned as a stream in response body binary
404 no such task ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




List secrets

Name Located in Description Required Schema
filters query A JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the secrets list. Available filters: - id=<secret id> - label=<key> or label=<key>=value - name=<secret name> - names=<secret name> No string
Code Description Schema
200 no error [ Secret ]
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Create a secret

Name Located in Description Required Schema
body body No SecretSpec & object
Code Description Schema
201 no error IdResponse
409 name conflicts with an existing object ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Inspect a secret

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID of the secret Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 no error Secret
404 secret not found ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse



Delete a secret

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID of the secret Yes string
Code Description Schema
204 no error
404 secret not found ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Update a Secret

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path The ID or name of the secret Yes string
body body The spec of the secret to update. Currently, only the Labels field can be updated. All other fields must remain unchanged from the SecretInspect endpoint response values. No SecretSpec
version query The version number of the secret object being updated. This is required to avoid conflicting writes. Yes long
Code Description Schema
200 no error
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 no such secret ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




List configs

Name Located in Description Required Schema
filters query A JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the configs list. Available filters: - id=<config id> - label=<key> or label=<key>=value - name=<config name> - names=<config name> No string
Code Description Schema
200 no error [ Config ]
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Create a config

Name Located in Description Required Schema
body body No ConfigSpec & object
Code Description Schema
201 no error IdResponse
409 name conflicts with an existing object ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Inspect a config

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID of the config Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 no error Config
404 config not found ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse



Delete a config

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path ID of the config Yes string
Code Description Schema
204 no error
404 config not found ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Update a Config

Name Located in Description Required Schema
id path The ID or name of the config Yes string
body body The spec of the config to update. Currently, only the Labels field can be updated. All other fields must remain unchanged from the ConfigInspect endpoint response values. No ConfigSpec
version query The version number of the config object being updated. This is required to avoid conflicting writes. Yes long
Code Description Schema
200 no error
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
404 no such config ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse
503 node is not part of a swarm ErrorResponse




Get image information from the registry


Return image digest and platform information by contacting the registry.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
name path Image name or id Yes string
Code Description Schema
200 descriptor and platform information DistributionInspect
401 Failed authentication or no image found ErrorResponse
500 Server error ErrorResponse




Initialize interactive session


Start a new interactive session with a server. Session allows server to call back to the client for advanced capabilities.


This endpoint hijacks the HTTP connection to HTTP2 transport that allows the client to expose gPRC services on that connection.

For example, the client sends this request to upgrade the connection:

POST /session HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: h2c
Connection: Upgrade

The Docker daemon responds with a 101 UPGRADED response follow with the raw stream:

Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: h2c
Code Description Schema
101 no error, hijacking successful
400 bad parameter ErrorResponse
500 server error ErrorResponse



An open port on a container

Name Type Description Required
IP string (ip-address) Host IP address that the container's port is mapped to No
PrivatePort integer (uint16) Port on the container Yes
PublicPort integer (uint16) Port exposed on the host No
Type string Yes


MountPoint represents a mount point configuration inside the container. This is used for reporting the mountpoints in use by a container.

Name Type Description Required
Type string The mount type: - bind a mount of a file or directory from the host into the container. - volume a docker volume with the given Name. - tmpfs a tmpfs. - npipe a named pipe from the host into the container. - cluster a Swarm cluster volume No
Name string Name is the name reference to the underlying data defined by Source e.g., the volume name. No
Source string Source location of the mount. For volumes, this contains the storage location of the volume (within /var/lib/docker/volumes/). For bind-mounts, and npipe, this contains the source (host) part of the bind-mount. For tmpfs mount points, this field is empty. No
Destination string Destination is the path relative to the container root (/) where the Source is mounted inside the container. No
Driver string Driver is the volume driver used to create the volume (if it is a volume). No
Mode string Mode is a comma separated list of options supplied by the user when creating the bind/volume mount. The default is platform-specific ("z" on Linux, empty on Windows). No
RW boolean Whether the mount is mounted writable (read-write). No
Propagation string Propagation describes how mounts are propagated from the host into the mount point, and vice-versa. Refer to the Linux kernel documentation for details. This field is not used on Windows. No


A device mapping between the host and container

Name Type Description Required
PathOnHost string No
PathInContainer string No
CgroupPermissions string No


A request for devices to be sent to device drivers

Name Type Description Required
Driver string No
Count integer No
DeviceIDs [ string ] No
Capabilities [ [ string ] ] A list of capabilities; an OR list of AND lists of capabilities. No
Options object Driver-specific options, specified as a key/value pairs. These options are passed directly to the driver. No


Name Type Description Required
Path string Device path No
Rate long Rate No


Name Type Description Required
Target string Container path. No
Source string Mount source (e.g. a volume name, a host path). No
Type string The mount type. Available types: - bind Mounts a file or directory from the host into the container. Must exist prior to creating the container. - volume Creates a volume with the given name and options (or uses a pre-existing volume with the same name and options). These are not removed when the container is removed. - tmpfs Create a tmpfs with the given options. The mount source cannot be specified for tmpfs. - npipe Mounts a named pipe from the host into the container. Must exist prior to creating the container. - cluster a Swarm cluster volume No
ReadOnly boolean Whether the mount should be read-only. No
Consistency string The consistency requirement for the mount: default, consistent, cached, or delegated. No
BindOptions object Optional configuration for the bind type. No
VolumeOptions object Optional configuration for the volume type. No
TmpfsOptions object Optional configuration for the tmpfs type. No


The behavior to apply when the container exits. The default is not to restart.

An ever increasing delay (double the previous delay, starting at 100ms) is added before each restart to prevent flooding the server.

Name Type Description Required
Name string - Empty string means not to restart - no Do not automatically restart - always Always restart - unless-stopped Restart always except when the user has manually stopped the container - on-failure Restart only when the container exit code is non-zero No
MaximumRetryCount integer If on-failure is used, the number of times to retry before giving up. No


A container's resources (cgroups config, ulimits, etc)

Name Type Description Required
CpuShares integer An integer value representing this container's relative CPU weight versus other containers. No
Memory long Memory limit in bytes. No
CgroupParent string Path to cgroups under which the container's cgroup is created. If the path is not absolute, the path is considered to be relative to the cgroups path of the init process. Cgroups are created if they do not already exist. No
BlkioWeight integer Block IO weight (relative weight). No
BlkioWeightDevice [ object ] Block IO weight (relative device weight) in the form: [{"Path": "device_path", "Weight": weight}] No
BlkioDeviceReadBps [ ThrottleDevice ] Limit read rate (bytes per second) from a device, in the form: [{"Path": "device_path", "Rate": rate}] No
BlkioDeviceWriteBps [ ThrottleDevice ] Limit write rate (bytes per second) to a device, in the form: [{"Path": "device_path", "Rate": rate}] No
BlkioDeviceReadIOps [ ThrottleDevice ] Limit read rate (IO per second) from a device, in the form: [{"Path": "device_path", "Rate": rate}] No
BlkioDeviceWriteIOps [ ThrottleDevice ] Limit write rate (IO per second) to a device, in the form: [{"Path": "device_path", "Rate": rate}] No
CpuPeriod long The length of a CPU period in microseconds. No
CpuQuota long Microseconds of CPU time that the container can get in a CPU period. No
CpuRealtimePeriod long The length of a CPU real-time period in microseconds. Set to 0 to allocate no time allocated to real-time tasks. No
CpuRealtimeRuntime long The length of a CPU real-time runtime in microseconds. Set to 0 to allocate no time allocated to real-time tasks. No
CpusetCpus string CPUs in which to allow execution (e.g., 0-3, 0,1). No
CpusetMems string Memory nodes (MEMs) in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1). Only effective on NUMA systems. No
Devices [ DeviceMapping ] A list of devices to add to the container. No
DeviceCgroupRules [ string ] a list of cgroup rules to apply to the container No
DeviceRequests [ DeviceRequest ] A list of requests for devices to be sent to device drivers. No
KernelMemoryTCP long Hard limit for kernel TCP buffer memory (in bytes). Depending on the OCI runtime in use, this option may be ignored. It is no longer supported by the default (runc) runtime. This field is omitted when empty. No
MemoryReservation long Memory soft limit in bytes. No
MemorySwap long Total memory limit (memory + swap). Set as -1 to enable unlimited swap. No
MemorySwappiness long Tune a container's memory swappiness behavior. Accepts an integer between 0 and 100. No
NanoCpus long CPU quota in units of 10-9 CPUs. No
OomKillDisable boolean Disable OOM Killer for the container. No
Init boolean Run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes. This field is omitted if empty, and the default (as configured on the daemon) is used. No
PidsLimit long Tune a container's PIDs limit. Set 0 or -1 for unlimited, or null to not change. No
Ulimits [ object ] A list of resource limits to set in the container. For example: {"Name": "nofile", "Soft": 1024, "Hard": 2048} No
CpuCount long The number of usable CPUs (Windows only). On Windows Server containers, the processor resource controls are mutually exclusive. The order of precedence is CPUCount first, then CPUShares, and CPUPercent last. No
CpuPercent long The usable percentage of the available CPUs (Windows only). On Windows Server containers, the processor resource controls are mutually exclusive. The order of precedence is CPUCount first, then CPUShares, and CPUPercent last. No
IOMaximumIOps long Maximum IOps for the container system drive (Windows only) No
IOMaximumBandwidth long Maximum IO in bytes per second for the container system drive (Windows only). No


An object describing a limit on resources which can be requested by a task.

Name Type Description Required
NanoCPUs long No
MemoryBytes long No
Pids long Limits the maximum number of PIDs in the container. Set 0 for unlimited. No


An object describing the resources which can be advertised by a node and requested by a task.

Name Type Description Required
NanoCPUs long No
MemoryBytes long No
GenericResources GenericResources No


User-defined resources can be either Integer resources (e.g, SSD=3) or String resources (e.g, GPU=UUID1).

Name Type Description Required
GenericResources array User-defined resources can be either Integer resources (e.g, SSD=3) or String resources (e.g, GPU=UUID1).


A test to perform to check that the container is healthy.

Name Type Description Required
Test [ string ] The test to perform. Possible values are: - [] inherit healthcheck from image or parent image - ["NONE"] disable healthcheck - ["CMD", args...] exec arguments directly - ["CMD-SHELL", command] run command with system's default shell No
Interval long The time to wait between checks in nanoseconds. It should be 0 or at least 1000000 (1 ms). 0 means inherit. No
Timeout long The time to wait before considering the check to have hung. It should be 0 or at least 1000000 (1 ms). 0 means inherit. No
Retries integer The number of consecutive failures needed to consider a container as unhealthy. 0 means inherit. No
StartPeriod long Start period for the container to initialize before starting health-retries countdown in nanoseconds. It should be 0 or at least 1000000 (1 ms). 0 means inherit. No


Health stores information about the container's healthcheck results.

Name Type Description Required
Status string Status is one of none, starting, healthy or unhealthy - "none" Indicates there is no healthcheck - "starting" Starting indicates that the container is not yet ready - "healthy" Healthy indicates that the container is running correctly - "unhealthy" Unhealthy indicates that the container has a problem No
FailingStreak integer FailingStreak is the number of consecutive failures No
Log [ HealthcheckResult ] Log contains the last few results (oldest first) No


HealthcheckResult stores information about a single run of a healthcheck probe

Name Type Description Required
Start dateTime Date and time at which this check started in RFC 3339 format with nano-seconds. No
End string (dateTime) Date and time at which this check ended in RFC 3339 format with nano-seconds. No
ExitCode integer ExitCode meanings: - 0 healthy - 1 unhealthy - 2 reserved (considered unhealthy) - other values: error running probe No
Output string Output from last check No


Container configuration that depends on the host we are running on

Name Type Description Required
HostConfig Container configuration that depends on the host we are running on


Configuration for a container that is portable between hosts.

When used as ContainerConfig field in an image, ContainerConfig is an optional field containing the configuration of the container that was last committed when creating the image.

Previous versions of Docker builder used this field to store build cache, and it is not in active use anymore.

Name Type Description Required
Hostname string The hostname to use for the container, as a valid RFC 1123 hostname. No
Domainname string The domain name to use for the container. No
User string The user that commands are run as inside the container. No
AttachStdin boolean Whether to attach to stdin. No
AttachStdout boolean Whether to attach to stdout. No
AttachStderr boolean Whether to attach to stderr. No
ExposedPorts object An object mapping ports to an empty object in the form: `{"/<tcp udp|sctp>": {}}` | No
Tty boolean Attach standard streams to a TTY, including stdin if it is not closed. No
OpenStdin boolean Open stdin No
StdinOnce boolean Close stdin after one attached client disconnects No
Env [ string ] A list of environment variables to set inside the container in the form ["VAR=value", ...]. A variable without = is removed from the environment, rather than to have an empty value. No
Cmd [ string ] Command to run specified as a string or an array of strings. No
Healthcheck HealthConfig No
ArgsEscaped boolean Command is already escaped (Windows only) No
Image string The name (or reference) of the image to use when creating the container, or which was used when the container was created. No
Volumes object An object mapping mount point paths inside the container to empty objects. No
WorkingDir string The working directory for commands to run in. No
Entrypoint [ string ] The entry point for the container as a string or an array of strings. If the array consists of exactly one empty string ([""]) then the entry point is reset to system default (i.e., the entry point used by docker when there is no ENTRYPOINT instruction in the Dockerfile). No
NetworkDisabled boolean Disable networking for the container. No
MacAddress string MAC address of the container. No
OnBuild [ string ] ONBUILD metadata that were defined in the image's Dockerfile. No
Labels object User-defined key/value metadata. No
StopSignal string Signal to stop a container as a string or unsigned integer. No
StopTimeout integer Timeout to stop a container in seconds. No
Shell [ string ] Shell for when RUN, CMD, and ENTRYPOINT uses a shell. No


NetworkingConfig represents the container's networking configuration for each of its interfaces. It is used for the networking configs specified in the docker create and docker network connect commands.

Name Type Description Required
EndpointsConfig object A mapping of network name to endpoint configuration for that network. No


NetworkSettings exposes the network settings in the API

Name Type Description Required
Bridge string Name of the network's bridge (for example, docker0). No
SandboxID string SandboxID uniquely represents a container's network stack. No
HairpinMode boolean Indicates if hairpin NAT should be enabled on the virtual interface. No
LinkLocalIPv6Address string IPv6 unicast address using the link-local prefix. No
LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen integer Prefix length of the IPv6 unicast address. No
Ports PortMap No
SandboxKey string SandboxKey identifies the sandbox No
SecondaryIPAddresses [ Address ] No
SecondaryIPv6Addresses [ Address ] No
EndpointID string EndpointID uniquely represents a service endpoint in a Sandbox.

> Deprecated: This field is only propagated when attached to the > default "bridge" network. Use the information from the "bridge" > network inside the Networks map instead, which contains the same > information. This field was deprecated in Docker 1.9 and is scheduled > to be removed in Docker 17.12.0
Gateway string Gateway address for the default "bridge" network.

> Deprecated: This field is only propagated when attached to the > default "bridge" network. Use the information from the "bridge" > network inside the Networks map instead, which contains the same > information. This field was deprecated in Docker 1.9 and is scheduled > to be removed in Docker 17.12.0
GlobalIPv6Address string Global IPv6 address for the default "bridge" network.

> Deprecated: This field is only propagated when attached to the > default "bridge" network. Use the information from the "bridge" > network inside the Networks map instead, which contains the same > information. This field was deprecated in Docker 1.9 and is scheduled > to be removed in Docker 17.12.0
GlobalIPv6PrefixLen integer Mask length of the global IPv6 address.

> Deprecated: This field is only propagated when attached to the > default "bridge" network. Use the information from the "bridge" > network inside the Networks map instead, which contains the same > information. This field was deprecated in Docker 1.9 and is scheduled > to be removed in Docker 17.12.0
IPAddress string IPv4 address for the default "bridge" network.

> Deprecated: This field is only propagated when attached to the > default "bridge" network. Use the information from the "bridge" > network inside the Networks map instead, which contains the same > information. This field was deprecated in Docker 1.9 and is scheduled > to be removed in Docker 17.12.0
IPPrefixLen integer Mask length of the IPv4 address.

> Deprecated: This field is only propagated when attached to the > default "bridge" network. Use the information from the "bridge" > network inside the Networks map instead, which contains the same > information. This field was deprecated in Docker 1.9 and is scheduled > to be removed in Docker 17.12.0
IPv6Gateway string IPv6 gateway address for this network.

> Deprecated: This field is only propagated when attached to the > default "bridge" network. Use the information from the "bridge" > network inside the Networks map instead, which contains the same > information. This field was deprecated in Docker 1.9 and is scheduled > to be removed in Docker 17.12.0
MacAddress string MAC address for the container on the default "bridge" network.

> Deprecated: This field is only propagated when attached to the > default "bridge" network. Use the information from the "bridge" > network inside the Networks map instead, which contains the same > information. This field was deprecated in Docker 1.9 and is scheduled > to be removed in Docker 17.12.0
Networks object Information about all networks that the container is connected to. No


Address represents an IPv4 or IPv6 IP address.

Name Type Description Required
Addr string IP address. No
PrefixLen integer Mask length of the IP address. No


PortMap describes the mapping of container ports to host ports, using the container's port-number and protocol as key in the format <port>/<protocol>, for example, 80/udp.

If a container's port is mapped for multiple protocols, separate entries are added to the mapping table.

Name Type Description Required
PortMap object PortMap describes the mapping of container ports to host ports, using the container's port-number and protocol as key in the format <port>/<protocol>, for example, 80/udp. If a container's port is mapped for multiple protocols, separate entries are added to the mapping table.


PortBinding represents a binding between a host IP address and a host port.

Name Type Description Required
HostIp string Host IP address that the container's port is mapped to. No
HostPort string Host port number that the container's port is mapped to. No


Information about the storage driver used to store the container's and image's filesystem.

Name Type Description Required
Name string Name of the storage driver. Yes
Data object Low-level storage metadata, provided as key/value pairs. This information is driver-specific, and depends on the storage-driver in use, and should be used for informational purposes only. Yes


Information about an image in the local image cache.

Name Type Description Required
Id string ID is the content-addressable ID of an image. This identifier is a content-addressable digest calculated from the image's configuration (which includes the digests of layers used by the image). Note that this digest differs from the RepoDigests below, which holds digests of image manifests that reference the image. No
RepoTags [ string ] List of image names/tags in the local image cache that reference this image. Multiple image tags can refer to the same image, and this list may be empty if no tags reference the image, in which case the image is "untagged", in which case it can still be referenced by its ID. No
RepoDigests [ string ] List of content-addressable digests of locally available image manifests that the image is referenced from. Multiple manifests can refer to the same image. These digests are usually only available if the image was either pulled from a registry, or if the image was pushed to a registry, which is when the manifest is generated and its digest calculated. No
Parent string ID of the parent image. Depending on how the image was created, this field may be empty and is only set for images that were built/created locally. This field is empty if the image was pulled from an image registry. No
Comment string Optional message that was set when committing or importing the image. No
Created string Date and time at which the image was created, formatted in RFC 3339 format with nano-seconds. No
Container string The ID of the container that was used to create the image. Depending on how the image was created, this field may be empty. No
ContainerConfig ContainerConfig No
DockerVersion string The version of Docker that was used to build the image. Depending on how the image was created, this field may be empty. No
Author string Name of the author that was specified when committing the image, or as specified through MAINTAINER (deprecated) in the Dockerfile. No
Config ContainerConfig No
Architecture string Hardware CPU architecture that the image runs on. No
Variant string CPU architecture variant (presently ARM-only). No
Os string Operating System the image is built to run on. No
OsVersion string Operating System version the image is built to run on (especially for Windows). No
Size long Total size of the image including all layers it is composed of. No
VirtualSize long Total size of the image including all layers it is composed of. In versions of Docker before v1.10, this field was calculated from the image itself and all of its parent images. Docker v1.10 and up store images self-contained, and no longer use a parent-chain, making this field an equivalent of the Size field. This field is kept for backward compatibility, but may be removed in a future version of the API. No
GraphDriver GraphDriverData No
RootFS object Information about the image's RootFS, including the layer IDs. No
Metadata object Additional metadata of the image in the local cache. This information is local to the daemon, and not part of the image itself. No


Name Type Description Required
Id string ID is the content-addressable ID of an image. This identifier is a content-addressable digest calculated from the image's configuration (which includes the digests of layers used by the image). Note that this digest differs from the RepoDigests below, which holds digests of image manifests that reference the image. Yes
ParentId string ID of the parent image. Depending on how the image was created, this field may be empty and is only set for images that were built/created locally. This field is empty if the image was pulled from an image registry. Yes
RepoTags [ string ] List of image names/tags in the local image cache that reference this image. Multiple image tags can refer to the same image, and this list may be empty if no tags reference the image, in which case the image is "untagged", in which case it can still be referenced by its ID. Yes
RepoDigests [ string ] List of content-addressable digests of locally available image manifests that the image is referenced from. Multiple manifests can refer to the same image. These digests are usually only available if the image was either pulled from a registry, or if the image was pushed to a registry, which is when the manifest is generated and its digest calculated. Yes
Created integer Date and time at which the image was created as a Unix timestamp (number of seconds sinds EPOCH). Yes
Size long Total size of the image including all layers it is composed of. Yes
SharedSize long Total size of image layers that are shared between this image and other images. This size is not calculated by default. -1 indicates that the value has not been set / calculated. Yes
VirtualSize long Total size of the image including all layers it is composed of. In versions of Docker before v1.10, this field was calculated from the image itself and all of its parent images. Docker v1.10 and up store images self-contained, and no longer use a parent-chain, making this field an equivalent of the Size field. This field is kept for backward compatibility, but may be removed in a future version of the API. Yes
Labels object User-defined key/value metadata. Yes
Containers integer Number of containers using this image. Includes both stopped and running containers. This size is not calculated by default, and depends on which API endpoint is used. -1 indicates that the value has not been set / calculated. Yes


Name Type Description Required
username string No
password string No
email string No
serveraddress string No


Name Type Description Required
privileged boolean No
user string No
tty boolean No
entrypoint string No
arguments [ string ] No


Name Type Description Required
Name string Name of the volume. Yes
Driver string Name of the volume driver used by the volume. Yes
Mountpoint string Mount path of the volume on the host. Yes
CreatedAt string (dateTime) Date/Time the volume was created. No
Status object Low-level details about the volume, provided by the volume driver. Details are returned as a map with key/value pairs: {"key":"value","key2":"value2"}. The Status field is optional, and is omitted if the volume driver does not support this feature. No
Labels object User-defined key/value metadata. Yes
Scope string The level at which the volume exists. Either global for cluster-wide, or local for machine level. Yes
ClusterVolume ClusterVolume No
Options object The driver specific options used when creating the volume. Yes
UsageData object Usage details about the volume. This information is used by the GET /system/df endpoint, and omitted in other endpoints. No


Volume configuration

Name Type Description Required
Name string The new volume's name. If not specified, Docker generates a name. No
Driver string Name of the volume driver to use. No
DriverOpts object A mapping of driver options and values. These options are passed directly to the driver and are driver specific. No
Labels object User-defined key/value metadata. No
ClusterVolumeSpec ClusterVolumeSpec No


Volume list response

Name Type Description Required
Volumes [ Volume ] List of volumes No
Warnings [ string ] Warnings that occurred when fetching the list of volumes. No


Name Type Description Required
Name string No
Id string No
Created string (dateTime) No
Scope string No
Driver string No
EnableIPv6 boolean No
Internal boolean No
Attachable boolean No
Ingress boolean No
Containers object No
Options object No
Labels object No


Name Type Description Required
Driver string Name of the IPAM driver to use. No
Config [ IPAMConfig ] List of IPAM configuration options, specified as a map: {"Subnet": <CIDR>, "IPRange": <CIDR>, "Gateway": <IP address>, "AuxAddress": <device_name:IP address>} No
Options object Driver-specific options, specified as a map. No


Name Type Description Required
Subnet string No
IPRange string No
Gateway string No
AuxiliaryAddresses object No


Name Type Description Required
Name string No
EndpointID string No
MacAddress string No
IPv4Address string No
IPv6Address string No


Name Type Description Required
id string No
stream string No
error string No
errorDetail ErrorDetail No
status string No
progress string No
progressDetail ProgressDetail No
aux ImageID No


BuildCache contains information about a build cache record.

Name Type Description Required
ID string Unique ID of the build cache record. No
Parent string ID of the parent build cache record. > Deprecated: This field is deprecated, and omitted if empty. No
Parents [ string ] List of parent build cache record IDs. No
Type string Cache record type. No
Description string Description of the build-step that produced the build cache. No
InUse boolean Indicates if the build cache is in use. No
Shared boolean Indicates if the build cache is shared. No
Size integer Amount of disk space used by the build cache (in bytes). No
CreatedAt string (dateTime) Date and time at which the build cache was created in RFC 3339 format with nano-seconds. No
LastUsedAt string (dateTime) Date and time at which the build cache was last used in RFC 3339 format with nano-seconds. No
UsageCount integer No


Image ID or Digest

Name Type Description Required
ID string No


Name Type Description Required
id string No
error string No
errorDetail ErrorDetail No
status string No
progress string No
progressDetail ProgressDetail No


Name Type Description Required
error string No
status string No
progress string No
progressDetail ProgressDetail No


Name Type Description Required
code integer No
message string No


Name Type Description Required
current integer No
total integer No


Represents an error.

Name Type Description Required
message string The error message. Yes


Response to an API call that returns just an Id

Name Type Description Required
Id string The id of the newly created object. Yes


Configuration for a network endpoint.

Name Type Description Required
IPAMConfig EndpointIPAMConfig No
Links [ string ] No
Aliases [ string ] No
NetworkID string Unique ID of the network. No
EndpointID string Unique ID for the service endpoint in a Sandbox. No
Gateway string Gateway address for this network. No
IPAddress string IPv4 address. No
IPPrefixLen integer Mask length of the IPv4 address. No
IPv6Gateway string IPv6 gateway address. No
GlobalIPv6Address string Global IPv6 address. No
GlobalIPv6PrefixLen long Mask length of the global IPv6 address. No
MacAddress string MAC address for the endpoint on this network. No
DriverOpts object DriverOpts is a mapping of driver options and values. These options are passed directly to the driver and are driver specific. No


EndpointIPAMConfig represents an endpoint's IPAM configuration.

Name Type Description Required
IPv4Address string No
IPv6Address string No
LinkLocalIPs [ string ] No


Name Type Description Required
Name string Yes
Description string Yes
Settable [ string ] Yes
Source string Yes
Destination string Yes
Type string Yes
Options [ string ] Yes


Name Type Description Required
Name string Yes
Description string Yes
Settable [ string ] Yes
Path string Yes


Name Type Description Required
Name string Yes
Description string Yes
Settable [ string ] Yes
Value string Yes


Name Type Description Required
Prefix string Yes
Capability string Yes
Version string Yes


Describes a permission the user has to accept upon installing the plugin.

Name Type Description Required
Name string No
Description string No
Value [ string ] No


A plugin for the Engine API

Name Type Description Required
Id string No
Name string Yes
Enabled boolean True if the plugin is running. False if the plugin is not running, only installed. Yes
Settings object Settings that can be modified by users. Yes
PluginReference string plugin remote reference used to push/pull the plugin No
Config object The config of a plugin. Yes


The version number of the object such as node, service, etc. This is needed to avoid conflicting writes. The client must send the version number along with the modified specification when updating these objects.

This approach ensures safe concurrency and determinism in that the change on the object may not be applied if the version number has changed from the last read. In other words, if two update requests specify the same base version, only one of the requests can succeed. As a result, two separate update requests that happen at the same time will not unintentionally overwrite each other.

Name Type Description Required
Index integer (uint64) No


Name Type Description Required
Name string Name for the node. No
Labels object User-defined key/value metadata. No
Role string Role of the node. No
Availability string Availability of the node. No


Name Type Description Required
ID string No
Version ObjectVersion No
CreatedAt string (dateTime) Date and time at which the node was added to the swarm in RFC 3339 format with nano-seconds. No
UpdatedAt string (dateTime) Date and time at which the node was last updated in RFC 3339 format with nano-seconds. No
Spec NodeSpec No
Description NodeDescription No
Status NodeStatus No
ManagerStatus ManagerStatus No


NodeDescription encapsulates the properties of the Node as reported by the agent.

Name Type Description Required
Hostname string No
Platform Platform No
Resources ResourceObject No
Engine EngineDescription No
TLSInfo TLSInfo No


Platform represents the platform (Arch/OS).

Name Type Description Required
Architecture string Architecture represents the hardware architecture (for example, x86_64). No
OS string OS represents the Operating System (for example, linux or windows). No


EngineDescription provides information about an engine.

Name Type Description Required
EngineVersion string No
Labels object No
Plugins [ object ] No


Information about the issuer of leaf TLS certificates and the trusted root CA certificate.

Name Type Description Required
TrustRoot string The root CA certificate(s) that are used to validate leaf TLS certificates. No
CertIssuerSubject string The base64-url-safe-encoded raw subject bytes of the issuer. No
CertIssuerPublicKey string The base64-url-safe-encoded raw public key bytes of the issuer. No


NodeStatus represents the status of a node.

It provides the current status of the node, as seen by the manager.

Name Type Description Required
State NodeState No
Message string No
Addr string IP address of the node. No


NodeState represents the state of a node.

Name Type Description Required
NodeState string NodeState represents the state of a node.


ManagerStatus represents the status of a manager.

It provides the current status of a node's manager component, if the node is a manager.

Name Type Description Required
Leader boolean No
Reachability Reachability No
Addr string The IP address and port at which the manager is reachable. No


Reachability represents the reachability of a node.

Name Type Description Required
Reachability string Reachability represents the reachability of a node.


User modifiable swarm configuration.

Name Type Description Required
Name string Name of the swarm. No
Labels object User-defined key/value metadata. No
Orchestration object Orchestration configuration. No
Raft object Raft configuration. No
Dispatcher object Dispatcher configuration. No
CAConfig object CA configuration. No
EncryptionConfig object Parameters related to encryption-at-rest. No
TaskDefaults object Defaults for creating tasks in this cluster. No


ClusterInfo represents information about the swarm as is returned by the "/info" endpoint. Join-tokens are not included.

Name Type Description Required
ID string The ID of the swarm. No
Version ObjectVersion No
CreatedAt string (dateTime) Date and time at which the swarm was initialised in RFC 3339 format with nano-seconds. No
UpdatedAt string (dateTime) Date and time at which the swarm was last updated in RFC 3339 format with nano-seconds. No
Spec SwarmSpec No
TLSInfo TLSInfo No
RootRotationInProgress boolean Whether there is currently a root CA rotation in progress for the swarm No
DataPathPort integer (uint32) DataPathPort specifies the data path port number for data traffic. Acceptable port range is 1024 to 49151. If no port is set or is set to 0, the default port (4789) is used. No
DefaultAddrPool [ string (CIDR) ] Default Address Pool specifies default subnet pools for global scope networks. No
SubnetSize integer (uint32) SubnetSize specifies the subnet size of the networks created from the default subnet pool. No


JoinTokens contains the tokens workers and managers need to join the swarm.

Name Type Description Required
Worker string The token workers can use to join the swarm. No
Manager string The token managers can use to join the swarm. No


Name Type Description Required
Swarm object


User modifiable task configuration.

Name Type Description Required
PluginSpec object Plugin spec for the service. (Experimental release only.)

> Note: ContainerSpec, NetworkAttachmentSpec, and PluginSpec are > mutually exclusive. PluginSpec is only used when the Runtime field > is set to plugin. NetworkAttachmentSpec is used when the Runtime > field is set to attachment.
ContainerSpec object Container spec for the service.

> Note: ContainerSpec, NetworkAttachmentSpec, and PluginSpec are > mutually exclusive. PluginSpec is only used when the Runtime field > is set to plugin. NetworkAttachmentSpec is used when the Runtime > field is set to attachment.
NetworkAttachmentSpec object Read-only spec type for non-swarm containers attached to swarm overlay networks.

> Note: ContainerSpec, NetworkAttachmentSpec, and PluginSpec are > mutually exclusive. PluginSpec is only used when the Runtime field > is set to plugin. NetworkAttachmentSpec is used when the Runtime > field is set to attachment.
Resources object Resource requirements which apply to each individual container created as part of the service. No
RestartPolicy object Specification for the restart policy which applies to containers created as part of this service. No
Placement object No
ForceUpdate integer A counter that triggers an update even if no relevant parameters have been changed. No
Runtime string Runtime is the type of runtime specified for the task executor. No
Networks [ NetworkAttachmentConfig ] Specifies which networks the service should attach to. No
LogDriver object Specifies the log driver to use for tasks created from this spec. If not present, the default one for the swarm will be used, finally falling back to the engine default if not specified. No


Name Type Description Required
TaskState string


Name Type Description Required
ID string The ID of the task. No
Version ObjectVersion No
CreatedAt string (dateTime) No
UpdatedAt string (dateTime) No
Name string Name of the task. No
Labels object User-defined key/value metadata. No
Spec TaskSpec No
ServiceID string The ID of the service this task is part of. No
Slot integer No
NodeID string The ID of the node that this task is on. No
AssignedGenericResources GenericResources No
Status object No
DesiredState TaskState No
JobIteration ObjectVersion If the Service this Task belongs to is a job-mode service, contains the JobIteration of the Service this Task was created for. Absent if the Task was created for a Replicated or Global Service. No


User modifiable configuration for a service.

Name Type Description Required
Name string Name of the service. No
Labels object User-defined key/value metadata. No
TaskTemplate TaskSpec No
Mode object Scheduling mode for the service. No
UpdateConfig object Specification for the update strategy of the service. No
RollbackConfig object Specification for the rollback strategy of the service. No
Networks [ NetworkAttachmentConfig ] Specifies which networks the service should attach to. No
EndpointSpec EndpointSpec No


Name Type Description Required
Name string No
Protocol string No
TargetPort integer The port inside the container. No
PublishedPort integer The port on the swarm hosts. No
PublishMode string The mode in which port is published.

- "ingress" makes the target port accessible on every node, regardless of whether there is a task for the service running on that node or not. - "host" bypasses the routing mesh and publish the port directly on the swarm node where that service is running.


Properties that can be configured to access and load balance a service.

Name Type Description Required
Mode string The mode of resolution to use for internal load balancing between tasks. No
Ports [ EndpointPortConfig ] List of exposed ports that this service is accessible on from the outside. Ports can only be provided if vip resolution mode is used. No


Name Type Description Required
ID string No
Version ObjectVersion No
CreatedAt string (dateTime) No
UpdatedAt string (dateTime) No
Spec ServiceSpec No
Endpoint object No
UpdateStatus object The status of a service update. No
ServiceStatus object The status of the service's tasks. Provided only when requested as part of a ServiceList operation. No
JobStatus object The status of the service when it is in one of ReplicatedJob or GlobalJob modes. Absent on Replicated and Global mode services. The JobIteration is an ObjectVersion, but unlike the Service's version, does not need to be sent with an update request. No


Name Type Description Required
Untagged string The image ID of an image that was untagged No
Deleted string The image ID of an image that was deleted No


Name Type Description Required
Warnings [ string ] Optional warning messages No


Name Type Description Required
Id string The ID of this container No
Names [ string ] The names that this container has been given No
Image string The name of the image used when creating this container No
ImageID string The ID of the image that this container was created from No
Command string Command to run when starting the container No
Created long When the container was created No
Ports [ Port ] The ports exposed by this container No
SizeRw long The size of files that have been created or changed by this container No
SizeRootFs long The total size of all the files in this container No
Labels object User-defined key/value metadata. No
State string The state of this container (e.g. Exited) No
Status string Additional human-readable status of this container (e.g. Exit 0) No
HostConfig object No
NetworkSettings object A summary of the container's network settings No
Mounts [ MountPoint ] No


Driver represents a driver (network, logging, secrets).

Name Type Description Required
Name string Name of the driver. Yes
Options object Key/value map of driver-specific options. No


Name Type Description Required
Name string User-defined name of the secret. No
Labels object User-defined key/value metadata. No
Data string Base64-url-safe-encoded (RFC 4648) data to store as secret. This field is only used to create a secret, and is not returned by other endpoints. No
Driver Driver Name of the secrets driver used to fetch the secret's value from an external secret store. No
Templating Driver Templating driver, if applicable Templating controls whether and how to evaluate the config payload as a template. If no driver is set, no templating is used. No


Name Type Description Required
ID string No
Version ObjectVersion No
CreatedAt string (dateTime) No
UpdatedAt string (dateTime) No
Spec SecretSpec No


Name Type Description Required
Name string User-defined name of the config. No
Labels object User-defined key/value metadata. No
Data string Base64-url-safe-encoded (RFC 4648) config data. No
Templating Driver Templating driver, if applicable Templating controls whether and how to evaluate the config payload as a template. If no driver is set, no templating is used. No


Name Type Description Required
ID string No
Version ObjectVersion No
CreatedAt string (dateTime) No
UpdatedAt string (dateTime) No
Spec ConfigSpec No


ContainerState stores container's running state. It's part of ContainerJSONBase and will be returned by the "inspect" command.

Name Type Description Required
Status string String representation of the container state. Can be one of "created", "running", "paused", "restarting", "removing", "exited", or "dead". No
Running boolean Whether this container is running. Note that a running container can be paused. The Running and Paused booleans are not mutually exclusive: When pausing a container (on Linux), the freezer cgroup is used to suspend all processes in the container. Freezing the process requires the process to be running. As a result, paused containers are both Running and Paused. Use the Status field instead to determine if a container's state is "running". No
Paused boolean Whether this container is paused. No
Restarting boolean Whether this container is restarting. No
OOMKilled boolean Whether this container has been killed because it ran out of memory. No
Dead boolean No
Pid integer The process ID of this container No
ExitCode integer The last exit code of this container No
Error string No
StartedAt string The time when this container was last started. No
FinishedAt string The time when this container last exited. No
Health Health No


OK response to ContainerCreate operation

Name Type Description Required
Id string The ID of the created container Yes
Warnings [ string ] Warnings encountered when creating the container Yes


OK response to ContainerWait operation

Name Type Description Required
StatusCode long Exit code of the container Yes
Error ContainerWaitExitError No


container waiting error, if any

Name Type Description Required
Message string Details of an error No


Response of Engine API: GET "/version"

Name Type Description Required
Platform object No
Components [ object ] Information about system components No
Version string The version of the daemon No
ApiVersion string The default (and highest) API version that is supported by the daemon No
MinAPIVersion string The minimum API version that is supported by the daemon No
GitCommit string The Git commit of the source code that was used to build the daemon No
GoVersion string The version Go used to compile the daemon, and the version of the Go runtime in use. No
Os string The operating system that the daemon is running on ("linux" or "windows") No
Arch string The architecture that the daemon is running on No
KernelVersion string The kernel version (uname -r) that the daemon is running on. This field is omitted when empty. No
Experimental boolean Indicates if the daemon is started with experimental features enabled. This field is omitted when empty / false. No
BuildTime string The date and time that the daemon was compiled. No


Name Type Description Required
ID string Unique identifier of the daemon.

> Note: The format of the ID itself is not part of the API, and > should not be considered stable.
Containers integer Total number of containers on the host. No
ContainersRunning integer Number of containers with status "running". No
ContainersPaused integer Number of containers with status "paused". No
ContainersStopped integer Number of containers with status "stopped". No
Images integer Total number of images on the host. Both tagged and untagged (dangling) images are counted. No
Driver string Name of the storage driver in use. No
DriverStatus [ [ string ] ] Information specific to the storage driver, provided as "label" / "value" pairs. This information is provided by the storage driver, and formatted in a way consistent with the output of docker info on the command line.

> Note: The information returned in this field, including the > formatting of values and labels, should not be considered stable, > and may change without notice.
DockerRootDir string Root directory of persistent Docker state. Defaults to /var/lib/docker on Linux, and C:\ProgramData\docker on Windows. No
Plugins PluginsInfo No
MemoryLimit boolean Indicates if the host has memory limit support enabled. No
SwapLimit boolean Indicates if the host has memory swap limit support enabled. No
KernelMemoryTCP boolean Indicates if the host has kernel memory TCP limit support enabled. This field is omitted if not supported. Kernel memory TCP limits are not supported when using cgroups v2, which does not support the corresponding memory.kmem.tcp.limit_in_bytes cgroup. No
CpuCfsPeriod boolean Indicates if CPU CFS(Completely Fair Scheduler) period is supported by the host. No
CpuCfsQuota boolean Indicates if CPU CFS(Completely Fair Scheduler) quota is supported by the host. No
CPUShares boolean Indicates if CPU Shares limiting is supported by the host. No
CPUSet boolean Indicates if CPUsets (cpuset.cpus, cpuset.mems) are supported by the host. See cpuset(7) No
PidsLimit boolean Indicates if the host kernel has PID limit support enabled. No
OomKillDisable boolean Indicates if OOM killer disable is supported on the host. No
IPv4Forwarding boolean Indicates IPv4 forwarding is enabled. No
BridgeNfIptables boolean Indicates if bridge-nf-call-iptables is available on the host. No
BridgeNfIp6tables boolean Indicates if bridge-nf-call-ip6tables is available on the host. No
Debug boolean Indicates if the daemon is running in debug-mode / with debug-level logging enabled. No
NFd integer The total number of file Descriptors in use by the daemon process. This information is only returned if debug-mode is enabled. No
NGoroutines integer The number of goroutines that currently exist. This information is only returned if debug-mode is enabled. No
SystemTime string Current system-time in RFC 3339 format with nano-seconds. No
LoggingDriver string The logging driver to use as a default for new containers. No
CgroupDriver string The driver to use for managing cgroups. No
CgroupVersion string The version of the cgroup. No
NEventsListener integer Number of event listeners subscribed. No
KernelVersion string Kernel version of the host. On Linux, this information obtained from uname. On Windows this information is queried from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ registry value, for example "10.0 14393 (14393.1198.amd64fre.rs1_release_sec.170427-1353)". No
OperatingSystem string Name of the host's operating system, for example: "Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS" or "Windows Server 2016 Datacenter" No
OSVersion string Version of the host's operating system

> Note: The information returned in this field, including its > very existence, and the formatting of values, should not be considered > stable, and may change without notice.
OSType string Generic type of the operating system of the host, as returned by the Go runtime (GOOS). Currently returned values are "linux" and "windows". A full list of possible values can be found in the Go documentation. No
Architecture string Hardware architecture of the host, as returned by the Go runtime (GOARCH). A full list of possible values can be found in the Go documentation. No
NCPU integer The number of logical CPUs usable by the daemon. The number of available CPUs is checked by querying the operating system when the daemon starts. Changes to operating system CPU allocation after the daemon is started are not reflected. No
MemTotal long Total amount of physical memory available on the host, in bytes. No
IndexServerAddress string Address / URL of the index server that is used for image search, and as a default for user authentication for Docker Hub and Docker Cloud. No
RegistryConfig RegistryServiceConfig No
GenericResources GenericResources No
HttpProxy string HTTP-proxy configured for the daemon. This value is obtained from the HTTP_PROXY environment variable. Credentials (user info component) in the proxy URL are masked in the API response. Containers do not automatically inherit this configuration. No
HttpsProxy string HTTPS-proxy configured for the daemon. This value is obtained from the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable. Credentials (user info component) in the proxy URL are masked in the API response. Containers do not automatically inherit this configuration. No
NoProxy string Comma-separated list of domain extensions for which no proxy should be used. This value is obtained from the NO_PROXY environment variable. Containers do not automatically inherit this configuration. No
Name string Hostname of the host. No
Labels [ string ] User-defined labels (key/value metadata) as set on the daemon.

> Note: When part of a Swarm, nodes can both have daemon labels, > set through the daemon configuration, and node labels, set from a > manager node in the Swarm. Node labels are not included in this > field. Node labels can be retrieved using the /nodes/(id) endpoint > on a manager node in the Swarm.
ExperimentalBuild boolean Indicates if experimental features are enabled on the daemon. No
ServerVersion string Version string of the daemon. > Note: the standalone Swarm API > returns the Swarm version instead of the daemon version, for example > swarm/1.2.8. No
ClusterStore string URL of the distributed storage backend. The storage backend is used for multihost networking (to store network and endpoint information) and by the node discovery mechanism.

> Deprecated: This field is only propagated when using standalone Swarm > mode, and overlay networking using an external k/v store. Overlay > networks with Swarm mode enabled use the built-in raft store, and > this field will be empty.
ClusterAdvertise string The network endpoint that the Engine advertises for the purpose of node discovery. ClusterAdvertise is a host:port combination on which the daemon is reachable by other hosts.

> Deprecated: This field is only propagated when using standalone Swarm > mode, and overlay networking using an external k/v store. Overlay > networks with Swarm mode enabled use the built-in raft store, and > this field will be empty.
Runtimes object List of OCI compliant runtimes configured on the daemon. Keys hold the "name" used to reference the runtime. The Docker daemon relies on an OCI compliant runtime (invoked via the containerd daemon) as its interface to the Linux kernel namespaces, cgroups, and SELinux. The default runtime is runc, and automatically configured. Additional runtimes can be configured by the user and will be listed here. No
DefaultRuntime string Name of the default OCI runtime that is used when starting containers. The default can be overridden per-container at create time. No
Swarm SwarmInfo No
LiveRestoreEnabled boolean Indicates if live restore is enabled. If enabled, containers are kept running when the daemon is shutdown or upon daemon start if running containers are detected. No
Isolation string Represents the isolation technology to use as a default for containers. The supported values are platform-specific. If no isolation value is specified on daemon start, on Windows client, the default is hyperv, and on Windows server, the default is process. This option is currently not used on other platforms. No
InitBinary string Name and, optional, path of the docker-init binary. If the path is omitted, the daemon searches the host's $PATH for the binary and uses the first result. No
ContainerdCommit Commit No
RuncCommit Commit No
InitCommit Commit No
SecurityOptions [ string ] List of security features that are enabled on the daemon, such as apparmor, seccomp, SELinux, user-namespaces (userns), and rootless. Additional configuration options for each security feature may be present, and are included as a comma-separated list of key/value pairs. No
ProductLicense string Reports a summary of the product license on the daemon. If a commercial license has been applied to the daemon, information such as number of nodes, and expiration are included. No
DefaultAddressPools [ object ] List of custom default address pools for local networks, which can be specified in the daemon.json file or dockerd option. Example: a Base "" with Size 24 will define the set of 256 10.10.[0-255].0/24 address pools. No
Warnings [ string ] List of warnings / informational messages about missing features, or issues related to the daemon configuration. These messages can be printed by the client as information to the user. No


Available plugins per type.

Note: Only unmanaged (V1) plugins are included in this list. V1 plugins are "lazily" loaded, and are not returned in this list if there is no resource using the plugin.

Name Type Description Required
Volume [ string ] Names of available volume-drivers, and network-driver plugins. No
Network [ string ] Names of available network-drivers, and network-driver plugins. No
Authorization [ string ] Names of available authorization plugins. No
Log [ string ] Names of available logging-drivers, and logging-driver plugins. No


RegistryServiceConfig stores daemon registry services configuration.

Name Type Description Required
AllowNondistributableArtifactsCIDRs [ string ] List of IP ranges to which nondistributable artifacts can be pushed, using the CIDR syntax RFC 4632. Some images (for example, Windows base images) contain artifacts whose distribution is restricted by license. When these images are pushed to a registry, restricted artifacts are not included. This configuration override this behavior, and enables the daemon to push nondistributable artifacts to all registries whose resolved IP address is within the subnet described by the CIDR syntax. This option is useful when pushing images containing nondistributable artifacts to a registry on an air-gapped network so hosts on that network can pull the images without connecting to another server. > Warning: Nondistributable artifacts typically have restrictions > on how and where they can be distributed and shared. Only use this > feature to push artifacts to private registries and ensure that you > are in compliance with any terms that cover redistributing > nondistributable artifacts. No
AllowNondistributableArtifactsHostnames [ string ] List of registry hostnames to which nondistributable artifacts can be pushed, using the format <hostname>[:<port>] or <IP address>[:<port>]. Some images (for example, Windows base images) contain artifacts whose distribution is restricted by license. When these images are pushed to a registry, restricted artifacts are not included. This configuration override this behavior for the specified registries. This option is useful when pushing images containing nondistributable artifacts to a registry on an air-gapped network so hosts on that network can pull the images without connecting to another server. > Warning: Nondistributable artifacts typically have restrictions > on how and where they can be distributed and shared. Only use this > feature to push artifacts to private registries and ensure that you > are in compliance with any terms that cover redistributing > nondistributable artifacts. No
InsecureRegistryCIDRs [ string ] List of IP ranges of insecure registries, using the CIDR syntax (RFC 4632). Insecure registries accept un-encrypted (HTTP) and/or untrusted (HTTPS with certificates from unknown CAs) communication. By default, local registries ( are configured as insecure. All other registries are secure. Communicating with an insecure registry is not possible if the daemon assumes that registry is secure. This configuration override this behavior, insecure communication with registries whose resolved IP address is within the subnet described by the CIDR syntax. Registries can also be marked insecure by hostname. Those registries are listed under IndexConfigs and have their Secure field set to false. > Warning: Using this option can be useful when running a local > registry, but introduces security vulnerabilities. This option > should therefore ONLY be used for testing purposes. For increased > security, users should add their CA to their system's list of trusted > CAs instead of enabling this option. No
IndexConfigs object No
Mirrors [ string ] List of registry URLs that act as a mirror for the official ( registry. No


IndexInfo contains information about a registry.

Name Type Description Required
Name string Name of the registry, such as "". No
Mirrors [ string ] List of mirrors, expressed as URIs. No
Secure boolean Indicates if the registry is part of the list of insecure registries. If false, the registry is insecure. Insecure registries accept un-encrypted (HTTP) and/or untrusted (HTTPS with certificates from unknown CAs) communication. > Warning: Insecure registries can be useful when running a local > registry. However, because its use creates security vulnerabilities > it should ONLY be enabled for testing purposes. For increased > security, users should add their CA to their system's list of > trusted CAs instead of enabling this option. No
Official boolean Indicates whether this is an official registry (i.e., Docker Hub / No


Runtime describes an OCI compliant runtime.

The runtime is invoked by the daemon via the containerd daemon. OCI runtimes act as an interface to the Linux kernel namespaces, cgroups, and SELinux.

Name Type Description Required
path string Name and, optional, path, of the OCI executable binary. If the path is omitted, the daemon searches the host's $PATH for the binary and uses the first result. No
runtimeArgs [ string ] List of command-line arguments to pass to the runtime when invoked. No


Commit holds the Git-commit (SHA1) that a binary was built from, as reported in the version-string of external tools, such as containerd, or runC.

Name Type Description Required
ID string Actual commit ID of external tool. No
Expected string Commit ID of external tool expected by dockerd as set at build time. No


Represents generic information about swarm.

Name Type Description Required
NodeID string Unique identifier of for this node in the swarm. No
NodeAddr string IP address at which this node can be reached by other nodes in the swarm. No
LocalNodeState LocalNodeState No
ControlAvailable boolean No
Error string No
RemoteManagers [ PeerNode ] List of ID's and addresses of other managers in the swarm. No
Nodes integer Total number of nodes in the swarm. No
Managers integer Total number of managers in the swarm. No
Cluster ClusterInfo No


Current local status of this node.

Name Type Description Required
LocalNodeState string Current local status of this node.


Represents a peer-node in the swarm

Name Type Description Required
NodeID string Unique identifier of for this node in the swarm. No
Addr string IP address and ports at which this node can be reached. No


Specifies how a service should be attached to a particular network.

Name Type Description Required
Target string The target network for attachment. Must be a network name or ID. No
Aliases [ string ] Discoverable alternate names for the service on this network. No
DriverOpts object Driver attachment options for the network target. No


Actor describes something that generates events, like a container, network, or a volume.

Name Type Description Required
ID string The ID of the object emitting the event No
Attributes object Various key/value attributes of the object, depending on its type. No


EventMessage represents the information an event contains.

Name Type Description Required
Type string The type of object emitting the event No
Action string The type of event No
Actor EventActor No
scope string Scope of the event. Engine events are local scope. Cluster (Swarm) events are swarm scope. No
time long Timestamp of event No
timeNano long Timestamp of event, with nanosecond accuracy No


A descriptor struct containing digest, media type, and size, as defined in the OCI Content Descriptors Specification.

Name Type Description Required
mediaType string The media type of the object this schema refers to. No
digest string The digest of the targeted content. No
size long The size in bytes of the blob. No


Describes the platform which the image in the manifest runs on, as defined in the OCI Image Index Specification.

Name Type Description Required
architecture string The CPU architecture, for example amd64 or ppc64. No
os string The operating system, for example linux or windows. No
os.version string Optional field specifying the operating system version, for example on Windows 10.0.19041.1165. No
os.features [ string ] Optional field specifying an array of strings, each listing a required OS feature (for example on Windows win32k). No
variant string Optional field specifying a variant of the CPU, for example v7 to specify ARMv7 when architecture is arm. No


Describes the result obtained from contacting the registry to retrieve image metadata.

Name Type Description Required
Descriptor OCIDescriptor Yes
Platforms [ OCIPlatform ] An array containing all platforms supported by the image. Yes


Options and information specific to, and only present on, Swarm CSI cluster volumes.

Name Type Description Required
ID string The Swarm ID of this volume. Because cluster volumes are Swarm objects, they have an ID, unlike non-cluster volumes. This ID can be used to refer to the Volume instead of the name. No
Version ObjectVersion No
CreatedAt string (dateTime) No
UpdatedAt string (dateTime) No
Spec ClusterVolumeSpec No
Info object Information about the global status of the volume. No
PublishStatus [ object ] The status of the volume as it pertains to its publishing and use on specific nodes No


Cluster-specific options used to create the volume.

Name Type Description Required
Group string Group defines the volume group of this volume. Volumes belonging to the same group can be referred to by group name when creating Services. Referring to a volume by group instructs Swarm to treat volumes in that group interchangeably for the purpose of scheduling. Volumes with an empty string for a group technically all belong to the same, emptystring group. No
AccessMode object Defines how the volume is used by tasks. No


A map of topological domains to topological segments. For in depth details, see documentation for the Topology object in the CSI specification.

Name Type Description Required
Topology object A map of topological domains to topological segments. For in depth details, see documentation for the Topology object in the CSI specification.